Search Results

Looking down the river near Hinton, W. Va.

445. Greenbrier River, Bellepoint, W. Va.

The photographer's family of Wyoming and Summers counties pictured on a porch near Hinton, W. Va. Family members are unidentified.

446. Keller Family Portrait, Bellepoint, W. Va.

David and Sonny play behind the home at 112 Greenbrier Drive near Hinton, W. Va.

447. David & Sonny Keller in Bellepoint, W. Va.

Keller pictured reading in his chair inside his home at 112 Greenbrier Drive near Hinton, W. Va.

448. Robert R. Keller, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Robert R. Keller and his wife, Nell Keller, pose together for the portrait.

449. The Kellers in Avis-Hinton, W. Va.

The photographer's uncle and wife are pictured in front of the fence.

450. Nell & Uncle Bob Keller at Baber's Fence, Pineville, W. Va.

Photographer's home at 112 Greenbrier Drive.

451. Robert R. Keller Home, Bellepoint, W. Va.

View of the home from across the street. Located near Hinton, W. Va.

452. Keller Home, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Little David pictured in a wagon behind the home near Hinton, W. Va.

453. David A. Keller, Bellepoint, W. Va.

Keller stands beside his automobile at 112 Greenbrier Drive near Hinton, W. Va.

454. Robert R. Keller In Front of His Home in Bellepoint, W. Va.

Street view of the home near Hinton, W. Va.

455. Judge James A. Miller Home, Bellepoint, W. Va.

View of the church from across the street near Hinton, W. Va.

456. Methodist Church, Bellepoint, W. Va.