Search Results

37. Dairy Farm, West Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

First Row, Left to Right:  O. T. Sines (day guard), George Travis (eng.), H. O. Vantramp (eng.), Frank Moore (baker), unknown (teacher), W. R. Collins (guard).  Second Row, Left to Right:  Mr. Walter (stable boss), Ralph Kunst (guard), C. E. Bunner (chief eng.), H. L. McMillin (boy's cook).  Third Row, Left to Right:  Mr. Deering (guard), E. Whitescarver (teacher), Mr. Sheppard (shoe shop supervisor).'  The men pose for a group portrait as the boys look out the windows of the school behind them.

38. Staff of W. Va. Industrial School for Boys on Flag Day, Grafton, Taylor County, W. Va.

39. D.F. Hyre's Angus Cattle at Mt. Olive Farmer's Institute, West Virginia University Agricultural Experiment Station

40. D.F. Hyre's Angus Cattle at Mt. Olive Farmer's Institute, West Virginia University Agricultural Experiment Station

Man is holding a cloth behind a young tree to separate it from other trees in a garden.

41. Young Tree at the Agricultural Experiment Station, West Virginia University

Cole (Captain), Strickler, Hart, Gronninger, MacCormick, Taylor, Cathers, Purinton, Taylor.

42. WVU Basketball Team

43. Mechanical Hall II, West Virginia University

44. Woodburn Circle with Bridge over Falling Run in the Foreground, West Virginia University

45. Woodburn Circle with Bridge over Falling Run in the Foreground, West Virginia University

Portrait of African-American student William D. Johnson.

46. William D. Johnson, Storer College Student, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

Portrait of African-American student Mabel S. Young, Class of 1904.

47. Mabel S. Young, Storer College Student, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

48. Freshman Class Portrait, West Virginia University