Search Results
- 016464
- Title:
- Portrait of a Baby in a Long White Gown, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Description:
- The card the photo is attatched to says that the photo was taken by The Fair, located at 6th and Race.
- 016470
- Title:
- Portrait of a Young Lady, Barbour County, W. Va.
- 016471
- Title:
- Portrait of a Young Lady, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1890-1910
- Description:
- There is a raised emblem on the cardstock the photo is mounted on.
- 016472
- Title:
- Robinson Family and Friends at Adaland, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Description:
- The envelope that accompanies this photo says, "To our hostess Mrs. Ira E. Robinson from Mrs. W.L. Fordyce."
- 016473
- Title:
- William Robinson and His Father, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Description:
- This post card says "Dear Ada May: This is little William Robinson and his papa. It was taken William was three weeks old. You must stop and see him on your way home. With love, Jeddy"
- 016474
- Title:
- Nurse with William Robinson, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Description:
- This is little William Robinson being held by a nurse. He was just three weeks old when this photo was taken.
- 016475
- Title:
- Robinson Family in front of their Home in Adaland, Barbour County, W. Va.
- 016476
- Title:
- Nurse with Children, Barbour County, W. Va.
- 016477
- Title:
- Nurse Smiles as She Holds a Baby, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Description:
- The photo says it was taken by Palace Studios of Grafton, W. Va.
- 016478
- Title:
- Postcard with Photo of Robinson Children and Nanny, Barbour County, W.Va.
- Date:
- 1903/08/04
- Description:
- Reads, "Dearest Ida, We are all well and happy. Have missed you dreadfully. It is very cool here today. Will write tomorrow. Sincerely, Ada." It is dated August 4th of 1903.
- 016479
- Title:
- Robinson Family Children, Barbour County, W. Va.
- 016480
- Title:
- Robinson Girls, Barbour County, W. Va.
- Description:
- Ada Robinson is on the right.