Search Results

Woman's Club Meeting Room, Harpers Ferry, W. Va.

37. Woman's Club Meeting Room, Harpers Ferry District, W. Va.

Food, floral arrangements and other items on display for the Good Hope community fair.

38. Good Hope Community Fair

Signs read: "For the Common Defense. Six Million Farmers have united to strengthen the nation. We have food and soil reserves unequaled in the world and Double Barreled Defense through the Farm Defense Program."

39. Wetzel County Excellent Farmers Day

Delauder's home before renovations.

40. Home Renovation, Hunter's Fork, W. Va.

Delauder's Home after ronovations. caption reads: "They Sodded bare spots, built walks, planted shrubs, built a fence and enclosed foundation of the house."

41. Home Renovation, Hunter's Fork, W. Va.

Cross' home before renovations.

42. Home Renovation, Hunter's Fork, W. Va.

Cross' home after renovations. Caption reads: "They improved the foundation of their home."

43. Home Renovation, Hunter's Fork, W. Va.

44. West Virginia Farm Women, Rural Electrification School

Three women sitting in a meeting.

45. West Virginia Farm Women

46. 4-H Council Scholarship Recepients

Man loads harvested barley into baling machine.

47. Barley Harvesting, Jefferson County, W. Va.

Men loading sacked barley harvest on truck.

48. Barley Harvesting, Thornton Farm, Jefferson County, W. Va.