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West, left, and Byrd, right, pose together at an unidentified location. Byrd served as a U.S. Senator from 1959 to 2010.

50509. Jerry West with Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia

Jerry West, No. 42, is pictured with his high school basketball team and Coach Roy Williams.West was the team's starting small forward. He was named All-State from 1953–56, then All-American in 1956 when he was West Virginia Player of the Year, becoming the state's first high-school player to score more than 900 points in a season.West also led his team to victory at the West Virginia State High School Basketball Championship in 1956, a first for the team.

50510. The East Bank High School Basketball Team, East Bank, W. Va.

Chrest was a teammate of Jerry West during his high school basketball career.The 1956 team secured the first ever state championship title for East Bank High School's basketball team.

50511. Jack Chrest of East Bank High School Basketball Team, East Bank, W. Va.

Fischer was a teammate of Jerry West during his high school basketball career.The 1956 team secured the first ever state championship title for East Bank High School's basketball team.

50512. Ronnie Fischer of the East Bank High School Basketball Team, East Bank, W. Va.

Akers was a teammate of Jerry West during his high school basketball career.The 1956 team secured the first ever state championship title for East Bank High School's basketball team.

50513. Roy Akers of the East Bank High School Basketball Team, East Bank, W. Va.

Pauley was a teammate of Jerry West during his high school basketball career.The 1956 team secured the first ever state championship title for East Bank High School's basketball team.

50514. Jack Pauley of the East Bank High School Basketball Team, East Bank, W. Va.

Basham was a teammate of Jerry West during his high school basketball career.The 1956 team secured the first ever state championship title for East Bank High School's basketball team.

50515. Gifford Basham of the East Bank High School Basketball Team, East Bank, W. Va.

A referee and teammates come to West's aid during a high school basketball game.West was the East Bank High School's starting small forward. He was named All-State from 1953–56, then All-American in 1956 when he was West Virginia Player of the Year, becoming the state's first high-school player to score more than 900 points in a season.The 1956 team secured the first ever state championship title for East Bank High School's basketball team.

50516. An Injured Jerry West during a High School Basketball Tournament Game

East Bank High School's Gary Stover, No. 17, and Morgantown's Jay Jacobs, No. 3, jump for a rebound during the championship game. Jerry West, not pictured, was also playing at this game as the team's starting small forward.West led East Bank High School to victory at this game, scoring 43 of the 71 points against Morgantown. The final score was 71-56. It was the first time East Bank High School won the state championship title.

50517. High School Basketball Players Fight for Rebound at Championship Game, Morgantown, W. Va.

Leonord Greer, left, and Robert Buckley, right, are pictured during a drill at practice. The boys were teammates of Jerry West during his high school basketball career.The 1956 basketball team secured the first ever state championship title for the high school.

50518. East Bank High School Basketball Players at Practice, East Bank, W. Va.

Front row, from left to right: Jerry West, Robert Green, Jim Dolen, Rodney Buckley, and Jack Ellis.Second row, from left to right: Jack Landers, Larry Moore, Robert Buckley, Ronald Fisher, and Joe Chrest.Third row, from left to right: Coach Roy E. Williams, Lincoln Lincous, Garry Stover, and team manager Bill Molner.West was the team's starting small forward. He was named All-State from 1953–56, then All-American in 1956 when he was West Virginia Player of the Year, becoming the state's first high-school player to score more than 900 points in a season.

50519. East Bank High School Basketball Team Portrait, East Bank, W. Va.

Machinery used to mine limestone at the Greer Limestone Plant in Kingwood, W. Va.  Limestone, sandstone, and coal are abundant natural resources in Preston County.

50520. Greer Limestone Plant, Preston County, W. Va.