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This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley Community.The caption on the back of the image explains that it is a "general view, looking north."

50617. Davis Pulp Mill in Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley Community.A landscape view of a tannery in Davis, W. Va.

50618. Tannery, Davis, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley Community.A view of Benbush, W. Va.

50619. Benbush, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."This is a picture of Canaan Mountain taken near where the country store and Mountain View Motel is now located and shows how bare the mountain was after the timber was cut and it had been burned by fires. This picture was taken about 1910."

50620. Canaan Mountain, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Lester Viering, Frank Wheeler, Fred Viering, and unidentified man pose next to locomotive engine.

50621. Men Pose Next To Locomotive Engine, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."Left to right: William Long, Bunyan Long, 1894, Canaan Valley."

50622. William Long and Bunyan Long, Canaan Valley, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.Unidentified people boating on Blackwater River during a Sunday afternoon.

50623. Boating on Sunday on Blackwater, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A skidder set, used for logging and lumber production, can be seen here overlooking the Blackwater Canyon.

50624. View of Skidder Set in Blackwater Canyon, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.A farmer and his horses working in a field likely in Canaan Valley.

50625. Farmer And Horses, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."This hay cut and raked - shucked by hand"

50626. Wild Hay, McDonald Glades, Canaan Valley, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community."Making hay on Canaan Valley Glades close to town."

50627. Making Hay on Canaan Valley Glades, Tucker County, W. Va.

This image is part of the Thompson Family of Canaan Valley Collection. The Thompson family played a large role in the timber industry of Tucker County during the 1800s, and later prospered in the region as farmers, business owners, and prominent members of the Canaan Valley community.View of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal.

50628. C & O Canal, Cumberland, Md.