Search Results

The organization was established in 1819.

51145. St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Wheeling, Ohio County, W. Va.

The Church was founded in Spring of 1840. The current church was rebuilt after a fire in 1904

51146. Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Knob Fork, Wetzel County, W. Va.

During the 50th Anniversary celebration of the East Bank High School Alumni Association,  the changing of the town's name from East Bank to West Bank on March 24, 1956 was remembered. The one day renaming was to honor East Bank High School All-State Basketball player Jerry West who lead the Pioneers to a West Virginia State Basketball Championship that year. Jerry West is seated to the left and Mary Pat Maloney is at the podium.

51147. Commemorating Changing East Bank to West Bank, Charleston, W. Va.

The church was established in 1849 in the industrial part of town once known as Ritchietown. There were no paved streets or walks and kerosene lamps were used for lighting. The church was 14 years old when West Virginia became a state.

51148. Wesley Methodist Church, Wheeling, Ohio County, W. Va.

The church was founded and built in 1858. There is no record of a Methodist church in Elizabeth, W. Va. before 1858.

51149. Elizabeth Methodist Church, Elizabeth, Wirt County, W. Va.

The Church began in 1827 by Associated Reformed Presbyterians from Short Creek, W. Va. and was officially organized in 1833. The first church building is still erect on the west side of Market Street and the second is below the corner of Ninth Street.

51150. The United Presbyterian Church, Wheeling, Ohio County, W. Va.

The building is located two miles south of Brandywine, W. Va. The church was established in 1769.

51151. The Propst Lutheran Church near Brandywine, Pendleton County, W. Va.

The church is located three miles south of Sugar Grove. It was established in 1807. It is also known as the Wilfong church.

51152. St. Michael's Evangelical Lutheran Church near Sugar Grove, Pendleton County, W. Va.

The church building in the photograph was used until 1888 when another building was erected to suit the church's needs. The church's beginnings stem back to before 1797, but written records only begin at 1814.

51153. Mt. Hope Lutheran Church, Upper Tract, Pendleton County, W. Va.

The church was built around 1821 about two miles north of Ft. Seybert. It was the first ever Methodist church in Pendleton County.

51154. Bethel Methodist Church near Fort Seybert, Pendleton County, W. Va.

The church was built around 1821 about two miles north of Ft. Seybert. It was the first ever Methodist church in Pendleton County.

51155. Bethel Methodist Church near Fort Seybert, Pendleton County, W. Va.

The church building was erected in the early 1900's after years of holding services in a school house. The organization was likely established in the 1850's.

51156. Circleville Methodist Church, Circleville, Pendleton County, W. Va.