Search Results

View of numerous graves in the cemetery in Kuruman, South Africa.

51265. “LMS” Kuruman Cemetery

A notice sign located outside the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (wildlife preserve) in South Africa.

51266. Kalahari Gemsbok National Park Guidelines Notice

A male and a female lion resting, South Africa.

51267. Lions

Close-up image of a gazelle, South Africa

51268. Gazelle

A trespassing notice printed in English and Afrikaans, South Africa.

51269. “NOSSOB” Road Closure Sign

Close-up image of a monkey (head), South Africa.

51270. Monkey

Close-up, side-view image of an oryx, South Africa

51271. Oryx

Several wildebeest grazing, South Africa

51272. Herd of Wildebeest

Multi-story home and yard in Vleifontein, South Africa.

51273. Vleesfontein, Tvl.

Jesuit mission alter and chapel in Vleifontein, South Africa.

51274. Jesuit Mission Station at Vleifontein, Tvl.

Church named for Robert Moffat located in Kuruman, South Africa.

51275. Moffat Church at Kuruman

Multi-trunked tree named for Chapman, located in Botswana, Africa.

51276. Chapman’s Big Baobab above the Ntwetwe Pan