Search Results

A view of a cottage from across the lawn.

51337. Cottage in Braxton County, W. Va.

Four unidentified women assemble a chair together. The photo labels the location as the "R. E. Building."

51338. Farm Women Making Furniture

A group of unidentified women work together to assemble a chair. The photo describes this location as the "R. E. Building."

51339. Farm Women in a Furniture Making Class

A group of women learn how to finish furniture properly. The photograph description identifies the location as the "R. E. Building."

51340. Women in Furniture Finishing Class

A man stands beside the homemade rugs which are displayed prominently in an unidentified location

51341. Display of Homemade Rugs

A group of unidentified girls dressed in wool pose for a picture together.

51342. Wool Dress Group at Girls' 4-H Camp in Unidentified Location

Campers work in the kitchen for a class at an unidentified 4-H camp location.

51343. Class Work at Boys' 4-H Camp

A female and male camper talk to each other as they hang around the wooden gate.

51344. Two Campers at a Gate of an Unidentified 4-H Camp

A woman looks over a young boy's shoulder as he colors with a crayon from the display. Subjects unidentified.

51345. American Crayon Display at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

A group of girls pose in their fashion show costumes.

51346. Fashion Show Participants at Girls' State 4-H Camp, Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Two deer are pictured just outside of a log cottage.

51347. Deer Near a Cottage in an Unidentified Location

Participants in the fashion show gather along the stairs. Subjects unidentified.

51348. Style Show at Women's 4-H Camp in Unidentified Location