Search Results

A group of men look over the dairy cow as it is being auctioned. Subjects unidentified.

51385. Ayershire Sale in an Unidentified Location

A boy leads an animal to the auction space.

51386. Hereford Show and Sale at the State 4-H Camp in Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

An unidentified man feels the sheep's wool at the auction site.

51387. A Man Examines a Sheep at a Sheep Show and Sale in an Unidentified Location

An unidentified boy poses beside his prize animal, holding a trophy.

51388. A Boy and His Prize Animal at a Hereford Show and Sale in an Unidentified Location

An unidentified woman is sewing fabric at a table.

51389. Home Demonstration Agents Sewing at Jackson's Mill State 4-H Camp, Lewis County, W. Va.

Members of the Future Farmers of America, or F. F. A., pose together for a photo. Subjects unidentified.

51390. Future Farmers of America (FFA) Group Photo

A group of men and women examine vegetables laid out on tables. Subjects unidentified.

51391. Vegetable Judging Participants in an Unidentified Location

View of the mill from across the stream.

51392. Scene at Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

Mrs. Roosevelt, right, dines with two unidentified men during her visit to Jackson's Mill.

51393. Mrs. Franklin Roosevelt Visiting Jackson's Mill, Lewis County, W. Va.

The girls pose together for a group photo. Subjects unidentified.

51394. Rhododendron Girls State Sheriffs

A group of unidentified girls pose together for a group photo.

51395. Rhododendron Girls State Mayors

A man leads a girl through the ceremony. Subjects unidentified.

51396. Rhododendron Girls State Coronation Ceremony Procession