Search Results

51709. Portrait of S. Mirrick, Richwood, W. Va.

Bryce Hildebrand is among the school children. One African-American child is standing on the far left.

51710. School Children Outside of What is Likely Greensburg Public School, Greensburg, W. Va.

Hildebrand and unidentified classmates pose outside of the school building.

51711. Bryce Hildebrand and Classmates Outside of What is Likely Greensburg Public School Building, Greensburg, W. Va.

Poland holds up a snake as she poses for a photo.

51712. Bessie Poland Holding a Snake in Unidentified Location

51713. Unidentified Jollife Family Member

51714. Unidetified Jollife Family Member

Portrait of unidentified male with artistic framing.

51715. Jollife Family Member

51716. Unidenified Jollife Family Children

Aerial photograph of the university's animal farm.

51717. Aerial View of West Virginia University Animal Husbandry Farm, Morgantown, W. Va.

An aerial view of the high school building.

51718. University High School, Morgantown, W. Va.

View overlooking Mountaineer Field and Woodburn Hall. Other university buildings seen are Chitwood Hall, Martin Hall, Woman's Hall (now Stalnaker Hall), Terrace Hall (now Dadisman Hall) the Armory Building, Mechanical Hall II, Brooks Hall, Arnold Hall, Armstrong Hall, Oglebay Hall, Clark Hall, Colson Hall, Elizabeth Moore Hall, Stansbury Hall, and the Downtown Library.

51719. Aerial View of West Virginia University Campus, Morgantown, W. Va.

Aerial view of recreation development on the new WVU campus.

51720. Recreation Development on Evansdale Campus, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.