Search Results

Portrait of a girl identified as a Jollife relative.

51829. Young Jollife Family Member in Unidentified Location

A man and a woman identified as Jollife family members are pictured in the Stewart and Wise photo studio.

51830. Jollife Family Members, Mannington, W. Va.

Portrait of a woman identified as a Jollife relative.

51831. Unidentified Jollife Family Members, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of a man identified as a Jollife relative.

51832. Unidentified Jollife Family Member, Fairmont, W. Va.

Portrait of a man identified as a Jollife relative.

51833. Unidentified Jollife Family Member, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Portrait of a man identified as a Jollife relative.

51834. Jollife Family Member, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Portrait of Morton in A. M. Slusher's photo studio.

51835. J. E. Morton, Bluefield, W. Va.

Beaver is pictured standing beside a faux log.

51836. Nancy Beaver, Bluefield, W. Va.

Morton is pictured sitting in A. M. Slusher's photo studio.

51837. Vernie Morton, Bluefield, W. Va.

A young Morton is pictured inside A. M. Slusher's photo studio.

51838. B. Morton, Bluefield, W. Va.

Portrait of baby Morton.

51839. Guthur Price Morton, Bluefield, W. Va.

Street view of the newly erected church building.

51840. Spruce Street United Methodist Church, Morgantown, W. Va.