Search Results

From left to right are an unknown boy, Janie McCoy (Mick), Mary Sue Campbell (Fletcher), Eugenia Campbell (Fidler), and Minnie Campbell (Shreve). The Weston-Central Telephone Company, which was owned by Hugh Amos, was located in the upstairs section of the building. The operators were known as 'Hello Girls.'

52237. Millinery Shop and Weston-Central Telephone Company Office, Burnsville, W. Va.

In the back row, from left to right, are Wed Fiddler, George Fiddler, Frank Amos, unknown, unknown, unknown, Roy Brosius Sr., unknown, and unknown.Seated, from left to right, are unknown, Cy Taylor, unknown, Charlie Fiddler, and unknown.

52238. Burnsville Band, Burnsville, W. Va.

In the first row, from left to right, are Buck Jamison, Wayne Hicks, Paul Goodrich, Keith Bennett, Dale Ball, Roy Sholes, and Paul Singleton.In the second row, from left to right, are Early Dorsey, Charles Talbott, Ray Sands, Fred Fletcher, Burr Queen, Sam Wiant, and Bob Collins.In the third row, from left to right, are Ralph Queen, Don McCartney, Arthur Franklin, Jason Hyre, and Vernon McCoy.The manager, pictured on the far left, is Staunton Trimble. The coach, pictured on the far right, is Roy Nutter.

52239. Burnsville High School Football Team, Burnsville, W. Va.

Hobert Cosner is pictured playing the snare drums. A group of students and instructors are holding instruments as they stand on the steps in front of the school building.

52240. Burnsville Band, Burnsville, W. Va.

A young girl is standing by a grave marker in what is now known as the Quickle Cemetery in Burnsville, W. Va.

52241. Graveyard near Burnsville Dam, Burnsville, W. Va.

Hefner is pictured holding tools and a horseshoe at the entrance of his shop. A horse is seen inside his shop.  The Carroll Comedy Company broadside likely advertises a June 10, 1900 performance.

52242. Blacksmith B. L. Hefner, Burnsville, W. Va.

"Doc Harriman" carries a case and is followed by a small black dog through the fence.

52243. Doctor William Harriman Making a House Call on Brandonville Pike, W. Va.

Harriman sits with an unidentified female patient.

52244. Doctor William Harriman with Patient on House Call, Terra Alta, w. Va.

An unidentified man guides his canoe through Calamity Rock at Cheat River Narrows during the National Wildwater Races.

52245. National Wildwater Races, Rowelesburg, W. Va.

Furman is dressed in a military uniform and has dirt on his face.

52246. Phil Furman during War Games on Caddell Mountain, Preston County, W. Va.

Abrams is pictured holding a gun during the War Games on Caddell Mountain.

52247. Nancy Abrams a la Patty Hearst, Preston County, W. Va.

Three men gather hay across a field with hand tools.

52248. Making Hay, Terra Alta, W. Va.