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A group of mean are scattered across the rail tracks. On the left is a train engine. On the right appears to be a long rail cart designed to transport logs.

52285. Logging Camp Probably in Webster County, W. Va.

Lumbermen sit on top of a tall, wooden structure. In the background are piles of lumber.

52286. Men at Lumberyard Likely in Webster County, W. Va.

The installation of U.S.S. West Virginia's mast nears completion at Memorial Plaza on the campus of West Virginia University.  The Mountainlair and Stewart Hall are visible in the background.

52287. U.S.S. West Virginia Mast in Memorial Plaza, Morgantown, W. Va.

Bell of the U.S.S. West Virginia before installation on the campus of West Virginia University.  The bell was dedicated on December 7, 1967, and joined the mast of the U.S.S. West Virginia in Memorial Plaza.

52288. U.S.S. West Virginia Bell Prior to Installation, Morgantown, W. Va.

View of the snow-covered street which is filled with horse-drawn carriages. A group of men stand beneath an awning on the right.

52289. Winter Scene likely in Harrison County, W. Va.

Two unidentified men pose beside the stone they are cutting large blocks out of. A long, chiseling tool rests against the rock.

52290. Two Men Cutting Stone, likely in Harrison County, W. Va.

A young boy is pictured holding four opossums.

52291. Boy Covered by Opossums likely, in Harrison County, W. Va.

An unidentified man sits in front of a hanging quilt. The ribbon fastened to his jacket collar indicates he is the 153rd Good Hope Council member for the Junior Order of the United American Mechanics, an American fraternal order. It began as a youth affiliation of the Order of United American Mechanics, but seceded to become its own organization and eventually absorbed its parent order. Originally, it was an Anti-Catholic, Nativist group, but eventually abandoned this position and became a general fraternal benefit society open to people regardless of creed, race or sex.

52292. Junior Order of the United American Mechanics Good Hope Council Member No. 153, Good Hope, W. Va.

A man on a horse sits on top of a hill, where below there are stonemasons cutting into the rock.

52293. Cutting Stone, likely in Harrison County, W. Va.

Nine unidentified individuals pose in costume. Three of them sit on horses. Five of them  stand on a carriage drawn by those horses, two of which wear large pots against their bellies. The man in the forefront, dressed in two, vertical striped colors, holds what appears to be a jousting rod.

52294. A Performance Group in Costume likely in Harrison County, W. Va.

The Grand Army of the Republic, or G.A.R., was a fraternal organization composed of veterans of the Union Army, Union Navy, Marines and the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service who served in the American Civil War for the Northern/Federal forces. Its peak membership, at more than 490,000, was in 1890, a high point of various Civil War commemorative and monument dedication ceremonies. It was succeeded by the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War, composed of male descendants of Union Army and Union Navy veterans.The G.A.R. was organized into "departments" at the state level and "posts" at the community level. This old artillery gun monument was dedicated by the G.A.R. Department of West Virginia, Custer Post No. 8.The plaque beneath the gun reads, "This gun was cast at Sevilla Spain, May 9th 1795, is 12 ft. in length, Caliber 6 3/8 inches weighs 6283 lbs. It was captured from the Spanish by Admiral Dewey, at Cavite Arsenal, near Manila, P.I. [Philippines] in May 1898, brought to N. Y. Navy Yard in the U. S., S. Buffalo [South Buffalo, New York]. Loaned by the Navy Department to Custer Post No. 8 G.A.R. was Mounted on Platform June 23rd, 1899. On July 4th, 1899, the Gun was unveiled by members of Custer Post with suitable ceremonies."

52295. Grand Army of the Republic Gun Exhibition, Clarksburg, W. Va.

A sign hanging on the back wall reads, "School motto; 'Move forward,'" indicating that the church also serves as a school.

52296. Inside West Milford Methodist Church, West Milford, W. Va.