Search Results

Portrait of an unidentified woman. She is wearing a necklace with a large pendant.

52321. Unidentified Woman, likely in Preston County, W. Va.

Two unidentified girls lean back in a lawn chair.  A hammock is visible to the right.

52322. Two Girls Relaxing on a Lawn Chair, Valley Point, W. Va.

An unidentified boy pushes a young girl in a wheelchair across a lawn.

52323. Boy Pushing Girl in Wheelchair, likely Preston County, W. Va.

52324. 4-H Family, Likely Fayette County. W. Va.

"These Mingo folks really can play and sing."  Campers likely belong to the Mingo Tribe.

52325. 4-H Campers, Likely at Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

The girls are likely the leaders of their tribes.

52326. Older Girls 4-H Camp, Likely Jackson's Mill, W. Va.

Harrison County Cottage and Marion County Cottage are visible in the background.

52327. Tree Planting at Jackson's Mill, W.Va.

The two men in the picture re-create the West Virginia state seal, likely at the state 4-H camp in Jackson's Mill.

52328. State Seal, likely Jackson's Mill, W.Va.

52329. Unidentified Building at Jackson's Mill, W.Va.

52330. 4-H Campers, Likely at Jackson's Mill W.Va.

52331. Home in Westover, W. Va.

Group of boys accepting their award for their cow.

52332. Boys Likely at Jackson's Mill W.Va.