Search Results

Building to the right identified as the Dawson House.

52357. Railroad Street, Dawson, Pa.

The woman dressed in black appears to be spying on the man and woman sitting beneath a bush.

52358. Young Men and Women Outdoors, likely Preston County, W. Va.

View of the building, on the corner of Railroad Street and Main Street, from across the railroad tracks.

52359. Bank Building, Dawson, Pa.

Two men and two women pose for a portrait.

52360. Group Portrait, Valley Point, W. Va.

An African-American man sits with his legs crossed on a chair in a home garden. Subject unidentified.

52361. Man in Garden, Valley Point, W. Va.

View overlooking the town of Dawson, Pennsylvania.

52362. Birds Eye View of Dawson, Pa.

Horse-drawn vehicles are parked outside of the race track. In the background, a crowd fills the stands overlooking the track.

52363. Grand Stand at Race Track, Dawson, Pa.

Ruea May Gribble (b. 02/09/1884; d. 04/25/1911) lays in an open casket.

52364. Ruea May Gribble Funeral, Bruceton Mills, W. Va.

A decorated Christmas tree stands in the corner of the house with presents sorted beneath it.  The home likely belongs to Orvis Zacheus "Oz" Gibson, a brother of the photographer, Scott Gibson.

52365. Christmas at O. Z. Gibson Residence, Valley Point, W. Va.

On the left is a Geiser Manufacturing Company steam tractor engine, also known as road locomotives, which likely pulled these farmers ploughs behind them. In the center is likely a threshing machine for the separation of grain from stalks and husks. On the right, a group of men sit with tightly bound bags, likely holding the grain seed.

52366. Farmers Harvesting Grain, Waynesboro, Pa.

A man looks affectionately at the woman standing as he holds her hand and appears to ask for her hand in marriage.

52367. Man Kneeling Next to Woman, likely Preston County, W. Va.

Rush Holt and his wife, Helen Holt, smile as they pet an elephant.

52368. Rush and Helen Holt at West Virginia Republican State Convention