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Local protest in Kanawha County.

52657. Local Protest in Kanawha County

Local protest in Kanawha County.

52658. Local Protest in Kanawha County

Local protest in Kanawha County.

52659. Local Protest in Kanawha County

Veteran's Day annual ceremony at Canyon Grade School in Monongalia County, W. Va.Back row standing L to R: Mrs. Russel (Margaret "Leona") Turner, unidentified, Joseph Lyons (principal), and Mrs. Sylvia (Arnold) Stafford.Sitting L to R: first three are unidentified, and Miss Virginia Stafford.

52660. Veterans Day, Canyon Grade School, Monongalia County, W. Va.

52661. Portrait of Dorothy Jones Baughman

Portrait of the MacDonald Family from Berkeley County, W. Va.  The MacDonald family likely acted as a model family for Extension Service advertisements.

52662. MacDonald Family Portrait

Members of the MacDonald family from Berkeley County, W. Va.  The MacDonald family likely acted as a model family for WVU Extension Service advertisements.

52663. Members of MacDonald Family, Berkeley County, W. Va.

Members of the MacDonald family of Berkeley County, W. Va.  The MacDonald family likely acted as a model family for Extension Service advertisements.  Here, two of the sons water or spray trees with pesticide while their father looks on.

52664. MacDonald Family Spraying Trees

Three members of the MacDonald family tend to their farm in Berkeley County W. Va.  The MacDonald family likely acted as a model family for Extension Service advertisements.

52665. MacDonald Family Tending Farm

Group photo of the Athens Club.  Members included Mrs. Shumate and Mrs. Brown.

52666. Athens Club

Group of children standing on a porch.

52667. Children on Porch

52668. Women Building Oven, Butchersville, Lewis County, W. Va.