Search Results

52717. Demolition of Old Mountaineer Field, Morgantown, W. Va.

52718. Site of Old Mountaineer Field, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of the Ferguson family, likely taken in Montana.  Blanche, the mother, was born in West Virginia.Back row Left to Right:George Jr.,  George, and BlancheFront Row Left to Right:Margaret, D. Meigs , and Stewart

52719. Ferguson Family

52720. Group Photo near Train Tracks, Colfax, W. Va.

D. C. Reed, husband of Mary.

52721. Portrait of D. C. Reed

Clark Streeper Jr., age 7 months.

52722. Clark Streeper Jr.

Lester Streeper on a pony.

52723. Lester on a Pony

52724. Blanche Nuzum Ferguson and Children

Mary E. Nuzum at 11 months, with dog.

52725. Mary E. Nuzum

Snapshot of Clark and Frank, members of the Nuzum or Satterfield family.

52726. Clark Enjoying a Smoke

Lucy Satterfield, wife of Harry Satterfield, at a trip to Pikes Peak in Colorado.  The Satterfield's lived in Fairmont, W. Va.

52727. Summit Peak

Raymond, standing on the car, is likely around age one.

52728. Dallas and Raymond Nuzum, Buckhannon, W. Va.