Search Results

53605. Dam Workers, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Richmond, O. H.

The three men from left to right are identified as Slatan, Veon (identified as Jewish), and Watt.

53606. Three Men, New Richmond, O. H.

The three men are identified left to right as Sam F. Bray, Slim Bradford, and Egbert. They are members of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

53607. Three Engineers, Big Eddy, O. R.

Two members of the Army Corps of Engineers pose for a photo on a railroad work car.

53608. Army Corps of Engineers, Big Eddy, O. R.

A group of members of the Army Corps of Engineers pose for a group photo in "grippy weather." The men are identified as Hunt, Royal, Ted Tau, McDonald, Tom Miller, Steve Lord, W. Lander, R. Tau Sr., and Ott.

53609. Army Corps of Engineers, Big Eddy, O. R.

Left to right: Janet Warden Hawes, Aunt Edna, Uncle Clyde, Linda Warden.

53610. Linda and Janet Warden with Aunt Edna and Uncle Clyde

Left to right: Leonard Otis Dotson, Vashti Lee Johnson Dotson, Linda Warden, Loxie Lee Dotson Borror, Barbara Lee Borror Warden, and Janet Warden. Janet and Linda are daughters of Barbara, who is the daughter of Loxie, who is the daughter of Leonard and Vashti.

53611. Dotson Family Group Photo

53612. Ivan Sheets with Horse-Drawn Mower

Front row: David Richards, Randall Sheets, Patty R., Mary R., Joyce Ahouse, Peggy Jones, Brenda Reese.Back row: Henry Ahouse, Joe Richards, Harry Barker.

53613. Children Bound for School

Participants in the Buck Run summer school pose for a group photo.

53614. Summer School in Buck Run, W. Va.

53615. Christmas Day at Creed Wilson's, W. Va.

53616. Mabel Taylor and Fay Taylor in W. Va.