Search Results

49. Visiting Austrian Labor Union Officials

50. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Float in Labor Day Parade, Huntington, W. Va

51. Group Portrait of State Federation of Labor Officials

52. Huntington Central Labor Union Float in Labor Day Parade, Huntington, W. Va.

53. Unidentified State Federation of Labor Member

54. Member at State Convention in Wheeling, W. Va.

55. Unidentified State Federation of Labor Member

'Erected by  Trade Union Members of United States in Memory of Augustus Pollack whose business life and actions were always in sympathy with organized labor.'

56. Pollack Memorial, Wheeling, W. Va.

57. Katherine Snyder

The caption reads: Clarksburg Unions Unite to Win Strike--A 1946 picket line manned by members of union affiliated with the Harrison County Central labor Union, was successful in obtaining a new contact for Typographical Union 372 with a Clarksburg newspaper publisher.  Because of labor's united support the strike was of short duration.'

58. Fight Breaks out during Clarksburg Newspaper Strike

59. Banquet of Coal Miner's Delegates at Kanawha Brewing Company, Charleston, W. Va.

60. State Federation of Labor Group Portrait