Search Results
- 041090
- Title:
- Straith Briscoe Home, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1936
- Description:
- View from the south west. Built by Frank Turner in 1830 on the Berryville Rd. near Charles Town. He sold the property, also known as Bullskin Farm to Straith Briscoe.
- 041091
- Title:
- Effie McIntyre Home, Kearneysville, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936
- Description:
- View from the southwest.
- 041092
- Title:
- Nathan Haines House, Summit Point, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1936
- Description:
- Built ca. 1775, view is of rear of the house.
- 041093
- Title:
- Level Green Slave Quarters Outbuilding, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936
- 041094
- Title:
- Traveler's Rest Slave Quarters, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936
- Description:
- View of outbuilding from south-east.
- 041095
- Title:
- Nathan Haines House, Summit Point, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936
- Description:
- Also known as the Fairfax Grant Stock Farm, built ca. 1775.
- 041096
- Title:
- Meathouse, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936
- Description:
- Outbuilding which is probably a meat house on a large farm, viewed from the south-west.
- 041097
- Title:
- General Horatio Gates House; Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1936
- Description:
- Known as "Traveler's Rest" the view is from the south-east. Gates built the house ca. 1760.
- 041098
- Title:
- General Horatio Gates House; Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1936
- Description:
- Gates named the home he built ca. 1760, "Traveler's Rest". The view is from south-west.
- 041099
- Title:
- Traveler's Rest, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1936
- Description:
- View of the back of the house from the north-east. General Horatio Gates built the house ca. 1760. Later he served under George Washington during the American Revolution.
- 041100
- Title:
- Traveler's Rest, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936
- Description:
- View of the Horatio Gates home from the north-east.
- 041101
- Title:
- Osborn House, Shenandoah Junction, Jefferson Co., W. Va.
- Date:
- 1936