Search Results

A full-bearded Charley, left, and Amanda, right, are pictured.

685. Charley & Amanda Carson, Buck, W. Va.

The two pictured on their wedding day.

686. Samuel & Virginia Carson Keffer, Buck, W. Va.

Freeman and Angell pictured standing on top a tall pile of hay.

687. James Freeman & Betty Jane Arrington Angell at Indian Creek, Forest Hill District, W. Va.

A truck is parked in front of the building. In the 1930's, Charley Lowe ran the business with Elbert Mann as the postmaster. Sheriff Dillon worked as the blacksmith.

688. Bun Redman Store & Post Office in Indian Mills, Summers County, W. Va.

Men and their cattle pictured in the lumber yard located next to the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway station. Note "N" Telegraph Office over the roof of the station.

689. Freight and Lumber Yard Next to C. & O. Station, Sandstone, W. Va.

To the left of "Buzz", formerly known as Jack, is George Hulme. In rear is Tommy Joe Hellems. The group is there for a Hinton High School graduation trip in the spring of 1948."Buzz" Hellems went on to Concord College after high school and later joined the United States Navy, serving on the USS Orion. Eventually returning to his home in Hinton, "Buzz" owned and operated Hellems Cash Store for more than 58 years. He served on the West Virginia State Senate from 1975-1976 and was a former chairman of the Summers County Democrat Executive Committee as well as the former Director of the Nationanl Bank of Summers. He was married to Glenda Hamm Hellems for 51 years until his death on January 9, 2009 at the age of 78.

690. Jennie Lee Johnson & "Buzz" Hellems on the Steps of the Capitol Building in Washington, D. C.

Looking at the station building from across the train tracks. An unidentified woman is pictured looking over the staircase railing.

691. C & O Railroad Station, Hilldale, W. Va.

People wait at the station for the train en-route to Kiwanis International Convention.

692. Passengers Waiting for Train at C. & O. Station, Hinton, W. Va.

A train is passing on the bridge.

693. C. & O. Crossing Bridge at Fayette, W. Va.

Standing from left to right is Clarence E.; B. Frank; Vernal S.; and William G. Front row from left to right is Walter S.; Ellery C.; and Atchless Murat Long.

694. C. & O. Employees and Long Brothers Gather for Mother's Death, Summers County, W. Va.

Vada Gaines Lively, Harry Lively's daugher, is pictured between the tracks.

695. C. & O. Bridge in Lowell, W. Va.

An unidentified man walks along the track. To the left is Lowell hotel. Also to the left is Bill Eades home and O. E. Miller's store.

696. Man Walking on C. & O. Railroad Tracks Just Below Lowell Depot, Lowell, W. Va.