Search Results

709. Shopping Center, Kingwood; Preston Co., W. Va.

710. Through the Alleghenies, Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in Preston County, W. Va.

A locomotive engine on B. & O. R. R. near Buckhorn wall ( a part of 17 mile grade on Cheat River) in Preston county.

711. Locomotive at Buckhorn Wall on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Preston County, W. Va.

712. Scenery Along Baltimore and Ohio Railroad near Rowlesburg, Preston County, W. Va.

An illustration depicting a scenery around the Clement's fountain in Buckhorn wall area; it is copied from J.G. Pangborn's Picturesque B. & O., Historical and Descriptive (Chicago, 1883), p. 275.

713. Clement's Fountain and Buckhorn Wall along Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in Preston County, W. Va.

Postcard of the Newburg School Building postmarked July 22, 1913.

714. Public School Building, Newburg, W. Va.

'Where 'Mother' was widow.'

715. Hotel in Newburg, W. Va.

'The Triple Z Farm Polled Hereford, Reedsville, W. Va.'

716. 4-H Member with Cow, Preston County, W. Va.

G. T. Federer's sister Beatrice taught here.

717. Group Portrait of Students and Faculty of the Normal School at Terra Alta, Preston County, W. Va.

718. Group Portrait of Children of the Loyal Temperance Union of Rock Cave, W. Va.

719. Governor Hulett Smith Presents Award to Boy at Youth Leadership Camp at Camp Dawson, Preston County, W. Va.

720. Howser Family Picnic, Terra Alta, Preston County, W. Va.