Search Results

Row of horizontal engines at Jones Station.

745. Horizontal Engines at Jones Station

746. Work Crew Laying Oil Pipeline Across a River

Activities in the oil field near Shinnston, Adamsville area.  Horses, wagons, and man-power moved all the equipment to the drilling site.  Sistersville and Shinnston came into the oil boom about the same time.  E.K. Towles of Shinnston, W. Va.

747. Shinnston Area Oil Field

Teams of horses hauling pipe through the mud.

748. Teaming in Oil Field No. 2, Shinnston, W. Va.

Large amounts of oil shooting out of a derrick after being shot with nitroglycerin.

749. Result of Agnew's Shots, Sistersville, Tyler County, W. Va.

750. Wooden Oil Derricks in a West Virginia Oil Field

Men inspect the ruins of the Bridgeport Station after a tornado.

751. Bridgeport Station after Tornado

Wooden Oil Derrick

752. Dry Hole

A flowing oil well, showing the effect of an eighty-quart shot of nitro-glycerine.  Harrison County.

753. Oil Well Gusher after Shot of Nitro-Glycerine

James Thompson, the Veteran Shooter, placing a twenty-quart nitro-glycerine shell.  Harrison County Oil Fields.

754. Placing a Twenty Quart Nitro-Glycerine Shell.

Men working on oil pipe.

755. Making Fire Bends

Oil Derrick at Mt. Morris.

756. Mt. Morris Oil Well