Search Results

'Mr. Judy, Coach and Principal; 1st Row - P. W. Watson, Harley Pyles, Bill Hart; 2nd Row - Charles Clark, James Quinn, Bill Williams; Back - Francis Kelly and Waldo Craig'

793. Tunnelton High School Basketball Team, Preston County, W. Va.

E. S. Bell is identified as teacher.

794. Class Portrait, Mt. Nebo School, Preston County, W. Va.

'Charley and Iva Burke Summers in buggy; Sarah Raice, mother of John Wesley Summers wife; John Wesley Summers; Nola Huffman, wife of John Huffman; Phoebe May; John Huffman; Clara Raice, a sister of John Wesley Summers wife; Ira Summers; Fannie Summers; Ernie Simpson; Florence Shahm Nose; Andy Hardsaw; Sadie Pierce; front row: Noren Raice; Harlow Runner; Wade Huffman; J. L. Huffman; Florence Shahm Nose - daughter; Artemis Pierce - on back of horse; Effy Huffman - on horse'

795. Summers Family and Neighbors in Preston County, W. Va.

796. Historic Marker for Dunkard Bottom, Preston County, W. Va.

Terra Alta: Half a mile high Famed as a health resort resort.  Once known as Cranberry for extensive cranberry glades found near.  North is Cranesville Swamp, noted for its wild life.  In that vicinity, Lewis Wetzel killed several Indians.

797. Terra Alta Marker, Preston County, W. Va.

Arthurdale: This is the old plantation of Col. John Fairfax, once superintendent of Mt. Vernon and aide to Washington in the Revolution.  The mansion was built in 1818.  Original Federal homestead project here was model for others.

798. Arthurdale, Marker on State Route 92, Preston County, W. Va.

CCC 105. Unidentified young men, members of the C.C.C., pose for a group photo.

799. Civilian Conservation Corps Boys in Camp Preston, Kingwood, W. Va.

Town's people stand around a grocery store in Kingwood, W. Va.

800. Grocery Store, Kingwood, W. Va.

"'Parade of Flags', includes flag bearers from Marion, Monongahela and Preston counties, being greeted at White House by President Kennedy."

801. President Kennedy--Parade of Flags, Washington, D. C.

'A picturesque view on Decker's Creek in the rear of the Public School Building, showing a section of the Morgantown & Kingwood Railroad.'  This photo is from a booklet, 'West Virginia University and its Picturesque Surroundings,' 1901.

802. Decker's Creek, Morgantown, W. Va.

A view of mine facilities of Scotch Hill Coal Property's Company, Cumberland, Md.  The mine shaft is in Newburg in Preston County, West Virginia.  This shaft worked the Freeport Coal at 265 ft. and the Kittanning Coal at 365 ft.  Last worked in 1918.  The plant dismantled.

803. Trees and Plants on Scotch Hill Coal Property, Preston County, West Virginia

A view of mine facilities of Scotch Hill Coal Property's Company, Cumberland, Md.  The mine shaft is in Newburg in Preston County, West Virginia.  This shaft worked the Freeport Coal at 265 ft. and the Kittanning Coal at 365 ft.  Last worked in 1918.  The plant dismantled.

804. Sealed Mine Shaft, Preston County, West Virginia