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Man walking down tracks towards gas pumping station, Wetzel Co.

793. Gas Pumping Station Hastings, W. VA

Storage tank and other buildings.

794. Oil and Gas Facilities at an Experimental Plant

795. Rebuilt Bridgeport Station, Hope Natural Gas Co.

Compressor Station Facilities-Symbolic of the Oil and Gas Industry in West Virginia.

796. Gas Compressor Station

Birdeye's view of Hope Gas Compression Station at Hastings, West Virginia. Hope Gas Beacon. 41 EMS Wide; 46 EMS Deep.

797. Hastings No. 1 Compression Station

In Batelle District, Monongalia County, West Va., (Fairview working district) on waters of Miracle Run, two miles south of Brave, Penna.  Station site, -2.23 acres, owned in fee; being part of Elias J. Eddy farm.  Station built in 1917 to take casing head gas from wells in vicinity, discharging into line leading to Brave Station.  Buildings:  Sheet iron over wood frame, painted Company colors.  Compressor Building 48'x 52', Auxiliary Building 12'x 25'.  No Dwellings.  Main Machinery:  1- 60 HP Clark and Norton Gas Engine and Compressor.  2- 80 HP Clark and Norton Gas Engines with compressors.  Total Investment (May 1, 1919) $26,884.32

798. Lemley Compressing Station

In Central District, Doddrige County, West Va., (Shirley working district), on waters of Arnolds Creek, three miles northwest of town of Central on Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.  Plant site, -2.45 acres, owned in fee.  Plant, consisting of small compressing station and gasoline unit built in fall of 1917.  Gasoline plant stopped operating about May, 1918.  Plant built to take casing head gas from wells in vicinity and extract gasoline, discharging residue gas into lines leading to Hastings Station.  Buildings-  Sheet iron on wood frame, with stell truss roof; painted Company colors.  Compressor Building 28 ft x 36 ft, Auxiliary Building 14 ft. x 20 ft.  No Dwellings.  Compressing Machinery:  2- 60 HP Clark and Norton  Gas Engines and Compressors combined.  Total investment, combined plant $33,008.37.  Total insurance 20,000.

799. Deep Valley Compressing Station and Gasoline Plant, Combined

Civil War ad reading: 1,010 Brave Men Wanted!  I am authorized by Governor Pierpont to raide a Reigment of men to consist of TEN COMPANIES of 101 men each, including officers.  When two companies are formed they will be mustered into service and a camp will be established at or near Morgantown, where they will be armed, equipped and drilled until the Regiment is full and ordered into service.  July 29, 1861  James Evans.

800. Civil War Recruiting Broadside

Copy of painting by A.M. Doddridge, 1863- Army camp just below Chesapeake and Ohio Depot site near mouth of Ferry Branch on the Kanawha river.  Fort Scammon Hill in the distance.  President Hayes and McKinley were stationed in camp.

801. South Side of Charleston, W. Va. During the Civil War

Copy of painting by A.M. Doddridge, 1863- Army camp just below C. and O. depot site near mouth of Ferry Branch.  Fort Scammon hill in the distance.

802. South Side of Charleston, W. Va. During the Civil War

'The large tree on the right of the engraving, and others in the vicinity, even to the present day, show marks of the bullets.' - page 105.  Early Book - Publisher unknown.

803. Crawford's Battlefield

The U.S. Army Buildings which John Brown took possession of. Harpers Ferry, W. VA. Junction of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers. Meeting of the States of MD., W. VA., and VA.  Arsenal captured, October 16, 1859.

804. Drawing of Harpers Ferry Arsenal , Captured By John Brown