Search Results

73. Barracks at Watson, W. Va.

Looking down at a tent colony.

74. Coal Miners' Tent Colony

75. Barracks at Watson, W. Va.

76. Barracks at Wyatt, W. Va.

Group of men and women holding signs in boycott of Schwab Clothing Company.

77. Boycotting Schwab Clothing Company

78. Miner's Children in Front of Barracks, Watson, W. Va.

Children are standing under the clothes line.

79. Miner's Children in front of Barracks

80. Barracks at Watson, W. Va.

Man leaning on a wire fence beside a wooden building in Wendel, W. Va.

81. Barracks at Wendel, W. Va.

Unidentified man standing on porch of company structure on the left. The sign on the building center left reads, "State Police Detachment".

82. Edna Gas Coal Company Mining Town, Lowesville, W. Va.

83. Clothes on Line Outside Miner's Residence at Monongah, W. Va.

84. Barracks at Viropa, W. Va.