Search Results

A portrait of a woman likely to be Mrs. A.F. Waybill from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

73. Missionary, Mrs. A. F. Waybill

A portrait of W.H. Seward from the Ellison-Dunlap collection of Monroe County.

74. W. H. Seward

Four members of the Ellison-Dunlap family swimming in Hans Creek.

75. Children at Hans Creek Mill Dam, Monroe County. W. Va.

Inscribed on the paper enclosure, "Yours Truly, Noah J. Diver Iron Hill, Ohio" from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

76. Noah J. Diver, Scioto County, Ohio

A tintype portrait of G.C. Updegraff, from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

77. G. C. Updegraff of West Tarrfield, Westmoreland County, Pa.

A portrait of Charles Martin from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

78. Charles M. Martin, I.C.C. College

A portrait of R.G. William from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

79. R. G. William, Somerton, Ohio

A portrait of Worth Westcott from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe Counties.

80. Worth Westcott, Mt. Eaton, Ohio

A portrait of P.W. Simmons from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

81. P. W. Simmons, Somerton, Ohio

A portrait of Baby Evelyn Stanley, seven months and eight days old, from the Ellison-Dunlap families collection, Monroe County.

82. Evelyn Stanley , For My Aunt Clara Ellison

William Petrie Dunlap, Elsie Nason Dunlap, Bert Dunlap sit on a horse while an unidentified man stand on a chair.

83. Four Posed on One Horse, Monroe County, W. Va.

Ned Dunlap stands far left on the float, wearing large brim hat. Others are not identified.

84. Float in Parade for Dedication of Confederate Monument, Union, W. Va.