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Banner hangs across the top of the Lyric Theater to announce that the motion picture Covered Wagon is played for the first time in Beckley, West Virginia.

73. Lyric Theater in Beckley, W. Va. - Covered Wagon Advertised

'Ray Quesenberry, Mrs. A.B. Maxwell at her millinery next to Beckley Drug, and Elizabeth Raybound, Mrs. Maxwell's younger half-sister.'

74. Maxwell, Mrs. A. B. at Her Millenery in Beckley, W. Va.

Townspeople are watching members of a parade marching down a street in Beckley, West Virginia.

75. Parade in Beckley, W. Va.

Townspeople line the street in Beckley, West Virginia to watch the marching troops.

76. Troops Marching in a Parade in Beckley, W. Va.

Townspeople along the street watch circus performers pass by in Beckley, West Virginia.

77. Circus Caravan in Beckley, W. Va.

Townspeople along the street watch as circus performer pass by in Beckley, West Virginia.

78. Circus Caravan in Beckley, W. Va.

A group portrait of the Prince Family members who attended the last reunion at Beckley, West Virginia in 1910. See Beckley, USA by Harlow Warren, page 402 for identification.

79. Last Reunion of the Prince Family in Beckley, W. Va.

Group portrait of members of the Town District High School Band - Orchestra of Beckley, West Virginia on stage for a concert.

80. Town District High School Orchestra, Beckley, W. Va.

People stand among the ruins of buildings after the Beckley Fire of April 13, 1912 which destroyed much of the town west of the courthouse.

81. Destruction Caused by the Fire of April 1913, Beckley, W. Va.

View of Beckley after the great fire of April 13, 1912 that destroyed much of the city west of the courthouse.  'Copyrighted 1955, All Rights Reserved By Harlow Warren, 320 North Kanawha Street, Beckley, W. Va..'

82. Ruins of Buildings after the Fire in April 1913, Beckley, W. Va.

Group portrait of Beckley's WWI American Red Cross Workers wearing white dresses.

83. World War I American Red Cross Workers in Beckley, W. Va.

84. Visitors on the Verand of the Bernard H. White House in Beckley, W. Va.