Search Results

The 89th birthday celebration for Izetta Jewel Brown Miller, widow of West Virginia Congressman, William Gay Brown of Preston County. Mrs. Miller was the first woman to second a presidential nominee in a major party convention (1920) and the first woman, south of the Mason-Dixon line to run for the U.S. Senate losing the West Virginia Democratic Party nomination to Matthew Neely by 6,000 votes (1922).

877. Izetta Jewel Brown Miller, LaJolla Beach, Ca.

Information included with the photograph, "For Guy, His 'Country Cousins'" The people in the background of the photo are unidentified.

878. Ada and Gene Ford, Preston County, W. Va.

To the right is Edna Linhart Jackson, the wife of Hoy Jackson. The other young woman is not identified.

879. Edna Linhart Jackson and Friend, Preston County, W. Va.

880. Portrait of Lena M. Birchinal, Preston County, W. Va.

881. Hay Jackson and Wife Edna Linhart Jackson, Preston County, W. Va.

Cabinet card portrait of a young woman. Several of the Burchinal family are from Preston County, W. Va.

882. Lena M. Burchinal

883. Portrait of Unidentified Female, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Young lady, probably of teen age.

884. Portrait of Unidentified Girl, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

A young man wearing a stiff collar, a suit and tie.

885. Unidentified Young Man, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

A young boy and girl, probably brother and sister.

886. Paul and Mildred Shay, Kingwood, Preston County, W. Va.

Unidentified woman relaxes in a home built during the Homestead Project in Preston County.

887. Interior of Homestead House, Arthurdale, W. Va.

Unidentified workers building a bridge of iron and stone piers over the Cheat River in Preston County.

888. County Bridge Construction, Cadell (Caddell), W. Va.