Search Results

925. Coffman's Department Store, The Leading Store in Tunnelton, W. Va.

Fairfax was killed July 3, 1893, when he was thrown from his vehicle by a runaway horse. He was a college freshman at the time.

926. George William Fairfax from Preston County, W. Va.

Probably the Joe Harr family outside of their log house.

927. Reedsville Family, Preston County, W. Va.

A family poses in front of a house, some are perched on the porch roof.  Three in the front row hold the handle bars of bicycles. Only identified subjects are Samuel A. and Margaret Menear Dill, standing far right under the porch roof.

928. Reedsville Family, Preston County, W. Va.

Cultivated farm land in the foreground and mountains in the background.

929. Scenery Near Reedsville, W. Va.

930. West Virginia Beauty in Preston County

931. Buckwheat Paten, Preston County, W. Va.

Snow covered church and house in Preston County.

932. Winter in Reedsville, W. Va.

Unidentified man takes a break from shoveling snow near snow laden trees.

933. Snowy Scene in Reedsville, W. V.a

Team photograph of grade-school age boys in uniform.

934. Reedsville Basketball Team, Preston County, W. V.a

Post card photograph of a swimming hole possibled located on Deckers Creek.

935. Flat Rock Park, Reedsville, W. Va.

Post card photograph

936. Flat Rock Park, Reedsville, W. V.a