Search Results

Agricultural Spraying machine mounted on buggy demonstrated for farmers.

85. Spraying Demonstration, Kanawha County W. Va.

W. A. Lawson using horse-drawn plow.

86. W. A. Lawson, Kanawha County W. Va.

"Marshall Grocery agreed to take all strawberries."

87. Strawberry Fields, Kanawha County W. Va.

County Champions holding their winning products.

88. Boys and Girls Agricultural Clubs, Pleasants County W. Va.

"A small group of club girls start work in canning."

89. 4-H Club Girls, W. Va.

90. Community Home, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va.

91. White Sulphur Springs Home, Greenbrier County W. Va.

Boys and girls club recreational activities.  A boy on the left is performing a high jump over a rope.

92. Boys and Girls Club Meeting. Kanawha County, W. Va.

Boys and Girls Club recreational activities.

93. Boys and Girls Club Meeting, Kanawha County, W. Va.

Drainage stakes set for the draining demonstration.

94. C. C. Dickinson Farm. Kanawha County, W. Va.

Plot measured, planted and cared for by Corn Club Member Raymond Taylor.

95. Corn Club Plot, Clay County, W. Va.

96. Boys and Girls Club Track Meet, Kanawha County, W. Va.