Search Results

Republican party members campaign for the party and register people to vote on the corner of Third Avenue and Temple Street. Subjects unidentified.

949. Republicans Registering Voters on Temple Street, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified man cuts a cake to celebrate the birthday of President Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower. In the background hangs a campaign poster to re-elect Eisenhower as president with Richard Nixon as his vice-president.

950. Republican Headquarters, Hinton, W. Va.

A group of unidentified women stand around a birthday cake dedicated to President Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower's birthday. In the background hangs a campaign poster to re-elect Eisenhower as president with Richard Nixon as his vice-president.

951. Republican Headquarters, Hinton, W. Va.

A sign above the entrance reads, "Democratic Hdqs. for Wally Barron for Governor". Richard Baylor pictured on the far left speaking to an unidentified couple.

952. Outside the Democratic Headquarters, Hinton, W. Va.

An unidentified man gets ready to cut the ribbon blocking the entranced to the building. On the window reads, "Democratic Headquarters for Wally Barron for Governor". The man in the center with his hand held out is Richard Baylor. The woman to the left is unidentified.

953. Barron Headquarters, Hinton, W. Va.

From left to right, Barbara Carr, County Clerk; Marvin Lacy, Summers County Commissioner; and unidentified.

954. Elected Officials Being Sworn in at Summers County Clerk Office, Summers County, W. Va.

Wooden structures pictured on the hill located near Little Bluestone River.

955. Fall Rock, Summers County, W. Va.

Overlooking the grounds located in Forest Hill District. Cows pictured within a fenced plot.

956. Clyde Dillon Farm, Summers County, W. Va.

C. S. Dillon kneels beside his prize animal.

957. Prize Bull from Dillon Farm, Summers County, W. Va.

The former sheriff pictured beside his home. Behind him are blank tombstones.

958. J. C. Dillon Sr. at His Home, Hinton, W. Va.

Dillon and Kennedy shake hands on Second Avenue beside the post office. The picture is taken during Kennedy's campaign for president.

959. J. Clyde "Sheriff" Dillon with John F. Kennedy, Hinton, W. Va.

Built in 1830, the house is the oldest known standing structure in Pipestem. Archibald was son of Drewry Farley, the first permanent settler in Pipestem of European descent.  Archibald married Jemima Cook in 1825 and reared a large family of 10 children in the home pictured..

960. Archibald Farley Home, Pipestem, W. Va.