Search Results
- 009663
- Title:
- Track Foreman, John Noon, Volcano, W. Va.
- Description:
- 'John Noon, track foreman of the Laurel Fork and Sand Hill railroad that ran from Volcano to Volcano Junction on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad.'
- 009664
- Title:
- Volcano Town Hall, Volcano, W. Va.
- Description:
- 'The Volcano town hall, still standing after the fire.'
- 009665
- Title:
- Hexamine Building, Morgantown Ordnance Works, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1942/11/09
- Description:
- 'United States Engineer Office. Corps of Engineers United States Army. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Morgantown Ordnance Works-Morgantown, West Virginia: Hexamine Building-looking Southwest. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company-Contract W Ord -490- Contract Date 11-28-40. Military Funds. November 09, 1942. No. 20267.'
- 009666
- Title:
- Miscellaneous Manufacturing Area, Morgantown Ordnance Works, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1942/11/09
- Description:
- 'United States Engineer Office. Corps of Engineers United States Army. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Morgantown Ordnance Works-Morgantown, West Virginia: Miscellaneous Manufacturing Area-looking North. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company-Contract W Ord -490- Contract Date 11-28-40. Military Funds. November 09, 1942. No. 20262.'
- 009667
- Title:
- Boiler House Cooling Tower, Morgantown Ordnance Works, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1942/05/26
- Description:
- 'United States Engineer Office. Corps of Engineers United States Army. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Morgantown Ordnance Works-Morgantown, West Virginia: Boiler House Cooling Tower-looking Northeast. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company-Contract W Ord -490- Contract Date 11-28-40. Military Funds. May 26, 1942. No. 19377.'
- 009668
- Title:
- Shops and Storage Building Number 407, Morgantown Ordnance Works, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1942/12/02
- Description:
- 'United States Engineer Office. Corps of Engineers United States Army. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Morgantown Ordnance Works-Morgantown, West Virginia: Shops and Storage Building Number 407-looking Southeast. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company-Contract W Ord -490- Contract Date 11-28-40. Military Funds. December 02, 1942. No. 20340.'
- 009669
- Title:
- Tools Used in Oil Fields of Volcano, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1915
- Description:
- 'Early tools used in the Volcano fields. Originals in Marietta, Ohio museum.'
- 009670
- Title:
- Oil Pumping Mechanism, Volcano, W. Va.
- Description:
- 'The Volcano, Wood County oil fields, once the scene of fabulous supplies of oil, has become one of the ghosts areas of the county. The photo shows current operations at an old center, wherein an endless cable rolls over the wheels, driving the pumping mechanism for 25 wells in a large area.'
- 009671
- Title:
- Oil Well, Volcano, W. Va.
- 009672
- Title:
- Oil Well in Volcano, W. Va.
- Description:
- 'The Volcano oil field was in Ritchie and Wood Counties; however the town of Volcano was in Wood County.'--Mike Naylor, 03/2006
- 009673
- Title:
- Light Oil Plant, Morgantown Ordnance Works, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1942/12/02
- Description:
- 'United States Engineer Office. Corps of Engineers United States Army. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Morgantown Ordnance Works-Morgantown, West Virginia: Light Oil Plant-Looking Northeast. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Company-Contract W Ord -490- Contract Date 11-28-40. Military Funds. December 02, 1942. No. 20336.'
- 009674
- Title:
- Episcopal Church, Volcano, W. Va.
- Description:
- 'The Episcopal Church that Red Neck Nellie helped to build. This picture was taken from an oil well derrick, another can be seen on the left, and at least 15 others are in the background.'