Search Results
- 010731
- Title:
- Monongalia County Recreation Commission, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Description:
- Mmebers of the Monongalia County Recreation Commission. Left to Right: James Shepherd, Recreation Director; Earl Fisher; Rex Smith, Superintendent of Schools of Monongalia County; and unknown.
- 010732
- Title:
- Ministers, West Virginia University Officials and Other Prominent Morgantown Men at an Unidentified Event
- Description:
- 'Left to right: Rev. Roy Benton Hanan, Rev. W. Roy Hashinger, Fr. Eugene A. Schmitt, Rabbi Morri M. Rose, Dr. Earl Core (West Virginia University), Bill Moreland, Bill C. Swartz, and Staunton Cady.'
- 010733
- Title:
- Business Meeting, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1966
- Description:
- Left to Right: Charles A. Stevenson, Scott Davis, Lloyd C. Neilson, Dyke Raese.
- 010734
- Title:
- Men's Group, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1970
- 010735
- Title:
- News Photo for Charity Fund Drive, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1965
- Description:
- On the left is Donald E. Hayhurst. Poster is for the Polio Birth Defects and Arthritis Institute.
- 010736
- Title:
- Life Guards in Training, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1970
- Description:
- Girl in the left foreground is Trudy Toland.
- 010737
- Title:
- Governor W. W. Barron, Jennings Randolph and Others at an Event in Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1970
- Description:
- From left to right: Don Kammert, Bob McDonald, Harley Staggers, Gov. W. W. Barron, Jennings Randolph, unknown.
- 010738
- Title:
- Rev. Evis Chapman and His Wife Betty Sit with Others, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1970
- Description:
- Rev. Chapman and his wife are the couple on the right.
- 010739
- Title:
- Certificate Presentation, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1970
- Description:
- Two men and two women; Women are from left to right, Ruth Lawrence and Mary Bartola.
- 010740
- Title:
- Campaign Headquarters for Goldwater and Miller, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1960-1970
- Description:
- Man on the far left is John Pat Ball, att. Woman on the right with hands in a box is Rose Salucci.
- 010741
- Title:
- Group Portrait, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- 1962
- Description:
- From left to right: Stanley Cox, Mrs. Shale, Robert Bowlby, Bill Delardas, Don Rennie, Chuck Haden.
- 010742
- Title:
- Spruce Street Methodist Church Choir, Morgantown, W. Va.
- Date:
- ca. 1962
- Description:
- 'Members of the Spruce Street Methodist Church Choir include: First Row: Anne Lawrence, Barbara Adams, Jennifer Warman, Dixie Casteel, Joyce Ryan, Jo Dell Wilhelm, Marsha Field, Jane Howard. Second Row: Susan Field, Mikki WIlliamson, Janet Donaldson, Metta Robinson, Sue Haas, Martha Sue Jones. Third Row: Charles Shaffer, Kent Pomeroy, Richard Galway, John Blosser, Bill Raider. Organist (Far Left) Carolyn DeVault.'