Search Results

Mmebers of the Monongalia County Recreation Commission.  Left to Right: James Shepherd, Recreation Director; Earl Fisher; Rex Smith, Superintendent of Schools of Monongalia County; and unknown.

10729. Monongalia County Recreation Commission, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Left to right: Rev. Roy Benton Hanan, Rev. W. Roy Hashinger, Fr. Eugene A. Schmitt, Rabbi Morri M. Rose, Dr. Earl Core (West Virginia University), Bill Moreland, Bill C. Swartz, and Staunton Cady.'

10730. Ministers, West Virginia University Officials and Other Prominent Morgantown Men at an Unidentified Event

Left to Right:  Charles A. Stevenson, Scott Davis, Lloyd C. Neilson, Dyke Raese.

10731. Business Meeting, Morgantown, W. Va.

10732. Men's Group, Morgantown, W. Va.

On the left is Donald E. Hayhurst.  Poster is for the Polio Birth Defects and Arthritis Institute.

10733. News Photo for Charity Fund Drive, Morgantown, W. Va.

Girl in the left foreground is Trudy Toland.

10734. Life Guards in Training, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: Don Kammert, Bob McDonald, Harley Staggers, Gov. W. W. Barron, Jennings Randolph, unknown.

10735. Governor W. W. Barron, Jennings Randolph and Others at an Event in Morgantown, W. Va.

Rev. Chapman and his wife are the couple on the right.

10736. Rev. Evis Chapman and His Wife Betty Sit with Others, Morgantown, W. Va.

Two men and two women;  Women are from left to right, Ruth Lawrence and Mary Bartola.

10737. Certificate Presentation, Morgantown, W. Va.

Man on the far left is John Pat Ball, att.  Woman on the right with hands in a box is Rose Salucci.

10738. Campaign Headquarters for Goldwater and Miller, Morgantown, W. Va.

From left to right: Stanley Cox, Mrs. Shale, Robert Bowlby, Bill Delardas, Don Rennie, Chuck Haden.

10739. Group Portrait, Morgantown, W. Va.

'Members of the Spruce Street Methodist Church Choir include: First Row: Anne Lawrence, Barbara Adams, Jennifer Warman, Dixie Casteel, Joyce Ryan, Jo Dell Wilhelm, Marsha Field, Jane Howard. Second Row: Susan Field, Mikki WIlliamson, Janet Donaldson, Metta Robinson, Sue Haas, Martha Sue Jones. Third Row: Charles Shaffer, Kent Pomeroy, Richard Galway, John Blosser, Bill Raider. Organist (Far Left) Carolyn DeVault.'

10740. Spruce Street Methodist Church Choir, Morgantown, W. Va.