Search Results

'First Sunday School and Church held in Webster County, W. Va.  Wm Gregory, class leader and Sunday School superintendant in 1833.  Addison Hite, circuit rider minister.  Owned by Commission of Archives & History, Inc. for United Methodist Church of W. Va.  See Webster Echo 5/18/83; Sampson Miller Annals of Webster County, p. 192.'

97. First Sunday School and Church in Webster County, W. Va.

View of horse and buggies.  Photograph reads 'Sold by P.R. & A. A. McCrum' (right hand side), 'A busy day at Aurora, W. Va.' (left hand side)

98. Busy Day at Aurora, Preston County, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District:  Third Ward. From Whom Acquired:  Lepera, Louie # 3 (Service Station). Address of Property:  University Avenue-Near B. & O. Station. Description:  Lot 7 pt of 6 University Avenue  99.75' on University Avenue x 118.' Improvements:  Greyhound service station, ten year lease to Sun Oil Company, dated Nov. 11, 1932, rent of $60.00 per month and 1/2 cents per gallon on all sales of Blue Sunoco gasoline per month in excess of 6000. gallon.

99. Sunoco Station and Greyhound Service on University Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District:  Third Ward. From Whom Acquired:  Lepera, Louie # 4 (Hotel). Address of Property:  Moore and Garrett Streets. Description:  Pt. Lot 6 - 57.6' on Moore Street 56.6' on Garrett Street x 54.4' near B. & O. Station. Improvements:  Brick and frame hotel, about twenty rooms, steam heat, two store rooms in basement, two floors above occupied as hotel.

100. Hotel on Moore and Garrett Streets, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District:  Fourth Ward. From Whom Acquired:  Shuman & McCue #3 . Address of Property:  University Ave and Stewart Street. Description:  University Ave and Stewart Street-3 bldgs. Improvements:  Dwelling, eighteen rooms and bath, frame and brick construction,, composition roof, occupied as rooming house.

101. Rooming House Located at University Avenue and Stewart Street, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building and Loan Association.  District:  Third Ward. From Whom Acquired:  Brock, Agnes L. et al. Address of Property:  1125 University Avenue. Description:  1/10 interest in part of lots # 5 and 6, University Avenue near B. & O. Station and River Bridge, 90 x 147'. Improvements:  Two bldgs, frame construction, 6/10 interest owned and assessed to the D.H. Courtney Estate, 4/10 interest assessed to T.P. Reay, et al.

102. Kees Welding Shop and O.J. White Transfer, 1125 University Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Business and Loan Association.  District:  Third Ward.  From Whom Acquired:  Lepera, Louie #1 (Feed Store).  Address of Property:  University Avenue- Near B. & O. Station.  Description:  Pt Lot 6 University Avenue on Moore Street, 26.43' on University Avenue 60.6' Moore Street.  Improvements:  Brick bldg, composition roof, basement and first floor occupied by feed store.

103. Hickman Feed Co. Building on University Avenue near the B. & O. Station, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Building And Loan Association.  District  Third Ward.  From Whom Acquired: Lepera, Luigi # 2 (Lepera Store and Rest.) Address of Property  University Avenue-near B. & O. Station).  Description  Pt Lot 6 University Avenue - 30.21' on University Avenue x 63.8'.  Improvements  Two story frame bldg, restaurant and store on first floor, three room apt on second floor.

104. M. & J. Store and Appartments on University Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Business and Loan Association.  District:  First Ward.  From Whom Acquired:  Morgantown Security and Dev. Co. # 5.  Address of Property:  812 University Avenue.  Description:  58' University Avenue -- 1/2 interest.  Improvements:  Dwelling, two four room apts & bath, frame construction, tin roof.

105. Home located at 812 University Avenue, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Business and Loan Association.  District:  Fifth Ward.  From Whom Acquired:  Dusenberry, Margaret R..  Address of Property:  298 Wiles & Price Street.  Description:  Lot 30 x 75' Wiles and Price Street.  Improvements:  Dwelling, eight rooms and bath with two room apartments in basement, slate roof, frame construction, furnace.

106. Home located at 298 Wiles and Price Streets, Morgantown, W. Va.

Monongalia County Business and Loan Association.  District:  Westover --Grant.  From Whom Acquired:  Roark, Elizabeth Hall.  Address of Property:  101 1/2 High Street & Orchard Alley.  Description:  North 1/2 Lot 114 --Bellview.  Improvements:  Two four room apts with bath, frame construction, composition roof, two car garage in basement.

107. Home located at 101 1/2 High Street & Orchard Alley, Westover, W. Va.

Monongalia County Business and Loan Association.  District:  First Ward.  From Whom Acquired:  Morgantown Security Dev. Co. # 6.  Address of Property:  Curtis Avenue &  Manlove Street.  Description:  Lot 14, 42, Hayes Addition  32 x 75' each.  Improvements:  Dwelling, four rooms, frame construction, slate roof.

108. Home located at Curtis Avenue & Manlove Street, Morgantown, W. Va.