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Engraved portrait of Thomas J. Jackson.

1141. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Thomas J. Jackson, originally from Lewis County, (West) Virginia. One of two portraits of Jackson taken during the Civil War.

1142. Confederate General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson, Winchester, Va.

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson on the front of a card telling significant facts about his life.

1143. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson.

1144. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Engraving of Stonewall Jackson, from a photograph by Tanner and Van Ness.

1145. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of Thomas J. Jackson in a chair outside of his tent with his sword.

1146. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Stonewall Jackson at Chancellorsville. This old photo was presented to Col. S.A. Cunningham, editor of the Confederate Veteran by Mrs. Thomas J. Jackson and reproduced in that publication.

1147. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' at Chancellorsville

Portrait of General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' Jackson.

1148. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of General Thomas J. Jackson.

1149. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson.

1150. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Upper left one of a series of C.S.A. cards sold in the North.  Showing a fraudulent  'collar'.  Center is a sample of the Brady print showing same fraudulent uniform.  Brady probably never saw Jackson, but sold thousands of these pictures, which is an 1851 portrait.

1151. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Drawing of Stonewall Jackson walking and carrying his cap.

1152. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'