Search Results

Bearded man wearing a dress uniform with dark trim, of a Confederate officer, and holding a sword.

1153. Portrait of Unidentified Confederate Officer

Drawing of Lee and Jackson on their horses.  Note on card mount reads 'A good likeness of Traveller, when Gen. Lee purchased him of me in Feby 1862.  Charles Town, W. Va., Nov. 1st 1904, Thos. L. B?

1154. Lee on Traveller and Jackson on Old Sorrel

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson standing, cavalry and encampment in distant background.

1155. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall'

Portrait of Stonewall Jackson on a horse with his arm extended holding his cap.

1156. Jackson, General Thomas J. 'Stonewall' on Horse Extending His Cap

Drawing of Stonewall Jackson on his death bed, surrounded by doctors and officers.  Published by Currier and Ives.

1157. Death of 'Stonewall' Jackson

An engraved portrait of George G. Meade.

1158. Meade, Major General George G.

Engraved portrait of General James Birdseye McPherson.

1159. McPherson, General James Birdseye

Engraved portrait of General Alfred Pleasanton.

1160. Pleasanton, General Alfred

An engraved portrait of Joseph King Fenno Mansfield.

1161. Mansfield, Brigadier General J. K. F.

Portrait of General George B. McClellan.

1162. McClellan, General George B.

A portrait of Brigader General John McCausland taken at Lynchburg, Va in 1864.

1163. McCausland, Brigadier General John

A photograph taken of Robert E. Lee by Matthew Brady after surrender.

1164. Lee, General Robert E.