Search Results

Representative in the United States Congress (1865-1868) for West Virginia, a member of the 1st and 2nd Wheeling Conventions and was actively involved in the formation of the state of West Virginia.

1. Chester D. Hubbard of Wheeling, W. Va.

Minister to France under James Buchanan in 1860 and arrested by Federal authorities for treason in August 1861 while negotiating arm sales with France for the Confederacy. He was exchanged six months later and subsequently serve on Stonewall Jackson's staff during the Civil War. After the war Faulkner was elected to the United States Congress, representating the eastern panhandle of West Virginia, 1875-1877 and served on West Virginia University's Board of Regents.

2. Charles James Faulkner of Martinsburg, W. Va.

Jenkins was elected to the United States Congress in 1856, at the age of 26 representating the Cabell County area. After the outbreak of the Civil War Jenkins served in the Confederate Congress and in the CSA Cavalry with the rank of Brigadier General. He fought in several battles in southern and eastern West Virginia and at Gettysburg. He was killed at the Battle of Cloyd's Mountain in May, 1864.

3. Albert Gallatin Jenkins of Huntington, Va. (W. Va.)

Whaley was elected to the United States Congress 1861-1867, representing the Loyal Government of Virginia and later West Virginia. During the Civil War he recruited several regiments for the Union Army and served with the rank of major in the 9th West Virginia Regiment.

4. Kellian Van Rensalear Whaley of Cerado, Wayne County, W. Va.

Kidwell served in the United States Congress 1853-1857. He was also a  practicing physician and lawyer. During the Civil War he held a civil office in the Confederate government.

5. Zedekiah Kidwell of Fairmont, Va. (W. Va.)