Search Results

Camp Cranberry, Company 525 F-13 was part of the Civilian Conservation Corps efforts between 1933 and 1942. Enrollees were assigned forestry service jobs as well as road construction jobs and telephone line building. The camp was named after the nearby Cranberry River.

37. CCC Workers With Their Tools, Camp Cranberry, Cowen, W. Va.

38. Two Men With a Fiddle and Resonator Guitar, Camp Cranberry, Cowen, W. Va.

Camp Cranberry, Company 525 F-13 was part of the Civilian Conservation Corps efforts between 1933 and 1942. Enrollees were assigned forestry service jobs as well as road construction jobs and telephone line building. The camp was named after the nearby Cranberry River.

39. CCC Crew on Road Building Machinery, Cowen, W. Va.

Camp Horseshoe was a West Virginia State Y. M. C. A. camp.

40. The Swimming Area, Camp Horseshoe, Parsons, W. Va.

41. Y. M. C. A. Camp Horseshoe, Parsons, W. Va.

42. Fox and Ox Camp, Petersburg Gap, W. Va.

Text on the back reads, "Fox and Ox Camp. Good fishing - swimming - home cooking. On U. S. 220, 2 miles north of Petersburg, W. Va."

43. Fox and Ox Camp, Petersburg, W. Va.

44. Fox and Ox Camp, Petersburg Gap, W. Va.

Fox and Ox Camp viewed from U. S. Route 220.

45. Fox and Ox Camp, Petersburg Gap, W. Va.