Search Results

'I. C. White, wife and daughter on White property, site of present Chemistry Building Annex.  The entire White property now is the site of the Mineral Industry (White Hall) Building, Library, Chemistry Building, and Annex.  In front of Mechanical Hall, Prospect Street where library is now.'

61. Israel C. White Family Feeding Chickens behind Mechanical Hall II, West Virginia University

Grading and paving eight miles of streets, Williamson, West Virginia.

62. Pietro Company Truck in Williamson, W. Va.

Pietro Paving and Construction, Morgantown, W. Va.

63. Pietro Company Work Crew Grading and Paving Eight Miles of Streets in Williamson, W. Va.

Two men seated in a porch swing.  Survey equipment nearby.

64. Engineers for the Pietro Company Road Construction in Williamson, W. Va.

65. Railroad Tracks and Cars in Williamson, W. Va.

'A class of 1919 before Annual brush with Sophs [Sept. 1915]; Sophs defeated on High Street in Front of Sigma Nu House so Frosh wore no freshman caps.'

66. Group of Freshmen Students, West Virginia University

From left to right, First Row at bottom: 1)May Ellison, 2)Laura Craig, 3) Hazel Kelly, 4)Unknown, 5)Annabelle Charleton, 6)Aloise Hensell, 7)Sponsor: Mrs. Collins, 8)Jessie Davis, 9)Pearl Michael, 10)Leola Wotring, 11)Lela Grace Conaway, 12) Jeanette Brown; Second Row: 13)Florenda Manendia, 14)Marion Ott, 15)Loretta Federer, 16)Vernita Anderson, 17)Marie Suitor, 18)Elizabeth Repert, 19)Elizabeth Lawrence, 20)Jessie Schnopp, 21)Agnes MacGrerroan, 22)Miriam Shultz; Third Row: 23)Jeanette MacGreffey, 24)Unknown, 25)Edith Jordan, 26)Medora Mason, 27) Jaunita Hensell, 28)Unknown, 29)Agnes Neidemeyer, 30)Martha Washington, 31)MacGorren, 32)Virginia Thacker, 33)Kate Montgomery; Fourth Row: M. Simpson, 35)Elizabeth Reacy, 36)Mary Eddy, 37)Lucie Trickett, 38)Alice MacGreffey, 39)Wertie Ruale, 40)Erma Belle.

67. Women Assembed on the Steps of Stewart Hall, West Virginia University

Sign reads, '[unreadable] Spears, Principal. Make the Red & Black, Black & Blue, Get 'em team, we're for U.  AB School House. Dr. A. J. Hare, Teacher.  Are we slackers" No. You're Wrong.  ABs are backers, 100% strong.'

68. ROTC Cadets Parade down High Street, West Virginia University

Student performers in togas and classical costumes. Taken on school property. Herscel D. Wade is the third person from the right.

69. Spring Pantomime Student Performers, Fairmont State Normal School, Fairmont, W. Va.

Student performers in togas and classical costumes. Taken on school property.

70. Spring Pantomime Student Performers, Fairmont State Normal School, Fairmont, W. Va.

Student performers in togas. One is wearing a horse or donkey head mask.  Taken on school property.

71. Spring Pantomime Student Performers, Fairmont State Normal School, Fairmont, W. Va.

Student performers in togas and classical costumes. Taken on school property. Herscel D. Wade is in the foreground with black shawl over head.

72. Spring Pantomime Student Performers, Fairmont State Normal School, Fairmont, W. Va.