Search Results

A baby sitting on a blanket near some trees in the grass in Helvetia, West Virginia.

37. Baby Sitting in the Grass, Helvetia, W. Va.

Two young children are standing on chairs in front of a rock wall.

38. Helvetia Children Standing on Chairs By a Rock Wall, Helvetia, W. Va.

Two mothers are sitting with their children in a field near some trees.

39. Helvetia Women and Children, Helvetia, W. Va.

A boy is sitting on a white horse which is standing by another horse in a barnyard.

40. Boy on Horseback in Barnyard, Helvetia, W. Va.

Arnold Metzener, a member of the Helvetia Baseball Team, is standing near a fence and holding a bat.

41. Helvetia Baseball Player, Arnold Metzener, Helvetia, W. Va.

Arnold Metzner with baseball bat and glove standing in front of a large stack of firewood.

42. Arnold Metzner with Baseball Bat and Glove, Helvetia, W. Va.

43. Unidentified Man, Helvetia, W. Va.

Two men are riding horses while another man and a young boy are riding in a horse drawn carriage down a dirt path.

44. Traveling by Horse, Helvetia, W. Va.

45. Clyde Sayre (right) and an Unidentified Logger Pose in a Boxing Stance, Helvetia, W. Va.

Group of men with arms raised ready to fight.  One man stands atop a barrel.

46. Staged Fight in Helvetia, W. Va.

Group seated outside for a portrait.

47. Family Portrait, Helvetia, W. Va.