Search Results

Charlton is a Civil War veteran who fought on the side of the Confederacy. He was wounded at the Battle of Cold Harbor, Va. in 1864. He later went on to become the first school teacher in Madam's Creek, a town near Hinton, W. Va.Charlton first married Nancy Parker. Together, Parker and Charlton had a daughter, Mary Jane Charlton. Mary Jane would later marry Silas Hinton.

145. Joseph Jones Charlton of Madams Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

Charlton pictured standing in the middle of the field.

146. Joseph Jones Charlton in a Tobacco Field in Madams Creek, Summers County, W. Va.

Cooper pictured during his freshman year at Terra Alta High School.

147. Paul Cooper during Freshman Week, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Carrol was a football coach at Terra Alta High School.

148. Coach Fred Carroll, Terra Alta, W. Va.

Cohen was a member of Morgantown's City Council. He also served on the Monongalia County Commission and was a West Virginia University faculty member.

149. Milton Cohen with West Virginia Centennial Souvenir Plate Design

Mrs. Calvert dumps water into pails. She was living without running water.

150. Jessie Fern Mayfield Calvert, Rodamer, W. Va.

Portrait of Mollie Courtney, sister of Blanche Lazzell.  Mollie was born in 1869, and married  Ulysses James Courtney in 1891.

151. Portrait of Mollie Courtney, Morgantown, W. Va.

Portrait of Ulysses James Courtney, brother in law of artist Blanche Lazzell.  Ulysses married Blanche's sister, Mollie, in 1891.

152. Portrait of U. J. Courtney

Portrait of male from the Courtney family, distant relatives of Blanche Lazzell.

153. Member of the Courtney Family

Portrait of a woman from the Courtney family, distant relatives of Blanche Lazzell.

154. Member of the Courtney Family

Full body portrait of a woman from the Courtney family, distant relatives of Blanche Lazzell.

155. Member of the Courtney Family

Portrait of baby Lucille Courtney, likely the daughter of Mollie (Lazzell) Courtney.  Mollie's daughter, Flora Lucille, was born in 1894.

156. Portrait of Lucille Courtney