Search Results

'89.D.(55); July 28, 1884 Monday 5:35 pm; Dark, misting; On extreme right is mill(?) at edge of Strasburg. The field of corn is on the flat land of the river a little way to the right. The valley pike was commanded for a mile by the Confed. battery of Wharton stationed right where the camera stands. Sheridan's army turned off the pike onto the higher land west; (left in the view). The valley of Tumbling Run is hidden by the trees of the foreground, likewise the stone house by the bridge.'

28393. Battlefield of Fisher Hill from Wharton's Position (Confederate) Commanding Pike

'88.D.(54); July 28, 1884, Monday 5.30 pm; Misty and very dark; The right of the picture is ground occupied by Sheridan. The left by Confed. army. The R.R. embankment can be detected running left to right just in front of the houses. The Mts. in the distance are those along which the flank movement of Gen. Crook was made, by which about 4 p.m. he came upon the left rear of the Confed. over beyond the R.R. On the left in mid-distance is the field occupied by Gordon which No's 85, 86 were taken.'

28394. Fisher Hill Battlefield Looking Up Valley of Tumbling Run, Westerly

'Sheridan's headquarters, occupied in his absence by Gen. Emery and other officers in command. It is off to the West of the pike and in rear of formation of the 19th corps. The distant hill of No. 97 on the left. Our troops were driven across the field from the left towards the right; nearly parallel with the pike. 99.D.(61); July 30, 1884, Wednesday 12:15 clear'

28395. Cedar Creek Battlefield Belle Grove House Viewed from Pike

'Looking S.W. My view is taken from near the entrance gate. In the foreground are the tops of he flowers of the beds kept by the wife of the officer in charge. The lodge is just out of sight on my left. Everything is kept in the neatest order, the turf close cut and very thick and green. On various mounds are placed cannon as monuments like the one on the right. There are 4430 soldiers buried here. In the center of the cemetery stands a fine "soldiers monument." The Conf. cemetery lies next to this one with only a lane between. A wall of dressed stone surrounds the cemetery concealed on the inside by a thick hedge. 105.D.(63); July 31, 1884, Thursday 11:45 am, cloudy'

28396. National Cemetery at Winchester

'End of Sheridan's famous ride to battlefield of Cedar Creek looking North. The ridge on the left where the whole fenced cemetery stand was held for a while by our troops and then they were forced back parallel with the pike beyond Middletown, a few houses of which are seen on the right. At the first of them, on the right of the pike. Walter drew water from a well out in the field for the team. (62)D.101; July 30, 1884, Wednesday 12:45 pm'

28397. Cemetery Ridge, West of Middletown

A photograph of a fence-lined road leading up to a house. '167.W.(70); August 6, 1884, Wednesday 5 pm'

28398. Road Leading to Pry House, McClellan's Headquarters During Battle at Antietam

28399. East End View of Bristol, W. Va.

'Looking N. from a little sandy hill on right of pike and nearly alongside Dinkler's farm house seen in No 113. The place of the pike is shown by the telegraph wires through the road itself is low and hidden by the fringes of bushes. 110.D.66 I.C.; July 31, 1884, Thursday 3:50 pm, dark, cloudy'

28400. Pond on Winchester Battlefield

28401. Salem High School Basketball Team, Salem, W. Va.

28402. St. Mary's Hospital, Clarksburg, W. Va.

Located on present Lowndes Bank lot at Pike and Third Streets.

28403. Interior and Employees of R. T. Lowndes General Store, Clarksburg, W. Va.

28404. Adamston Flat Glass, Clarksburg, W. Va.