Search Results

A picture taken at dawn.

28873. Tygart Lake Waterscape near Grafton, W. Va.

28874. Below the Dam on Tygart Lake

A photograph of an instructor working with a piece of laboratory equipment.

28875. Instructor in a College of Mineral and Energy Resources Classroom, West Virginia University

28876. Bird's Eye View of Mannington, W. Va.

28877. School Building, Mannington, W. Va.

A photograph of two men in a classroom working with a piece of laboratory equipment.

28878. Men Working With Lab Equipment

28879. School Building, Mannington, W. Va.

The price of gas is posted at 15.6

28880. Two Women at Gas Pump, Grafton, W. Va.

28881. Laboratory Equipment in the College of Mineral and Energy Resource, West Virginia University

28882. Delivery Men in S. O. Watkins and Company Truck, Lewis County, W. Va.

28883. Monument Works, Ritchie County, W. Va.

28884. Nine Yoke Oxen Moving a Boiler in Roane County Oil Field