Search Results

73. Hernshaw Post Office, Kanawha County, W. Va.

74. Street Scene in Franklin, W. Va.

75. Grist Mill on West Fork River, West Milford, Harrison County, W. Va.

Several homes located on the South Branch of the Potomac River

76. Franklin, Pendleton County, W. Va.

77. Post Office, Hundred, W. Va

Part of the Wilderness Retreat located in Lewis County. None of the subjects are identified.

78. Lake Riley, Weston, W. Va.

Adamston is now part of Clarksburg. Inscription with the image includes, "... Herbert C. Sullivan, ME Church".

79. Adamston Street Car in Adamston, Harrison County, W. Va.

None of the subjects in the photograph are identified.

80. Saw Mill in Albright, Preston County, W. Va.

Team portriat of players in uniform, none are identified.

81. Englehart Woolen Mill Baseball Team, Albright, W. Va

Railroad tracks run down the middle of the valley, while cleared mountainsides give way to industrial operations pictured on the left and the town buildings on the right.

82. Industrial Town, Austen, W. Va.

83. View of Several Buildings and Houses, Auvil, W. Va.

Died at age 57 from mill dust in 1890.

84. B. D. Rider, Harrison Co., West Milford, W. Va.