Search Results

553. New Webster Springs Hotel, Webster Springs, W. Va.

554. Public School, East Main Street, Buckhannon, W. Va.

555. View from Loudoun Heights of Harpers Ferry and Bolivar Heights, W. Va.

Showing Three States, W. Va., Va., and Md.

556. Looking Down the Potomac at Harper's Ferry, W. Va.

557. Prehistoric Mound as it appeared in 1857, Moundsville, W. Va.

558. Baptist Church, Buckhannon, W. Va.

The Dam facts: Supervision: Corps. U. S. Army Engineers, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Contractors: Frederick Snare Corp., New York, N. Y.; Width: 1900 FT.; Height: 265 Ft.; shoreline of Lake: 68.6 Miles.

559. Tygart River Dam and Reservoir (Tygart Lake)

560. Lewis County War Memorial and Louis Bennett Public LIbrary, Weston, W. Va.

Science Hall is currently known as Chitwood Hall.

561. Science Hall, West Virginia University, Morgantown, W. Va.

562. First Inter-Urban Cars leaving for Clarksburg from Court Square, Fairmont, W. Va.

Note the Trolley Line Structures, trolley, and tracks.

563. Main Street From South Side of Bridge, Fairmont, W. Va.

564. Bird's Eye View of Fairmont, W. Va.