Search Results

637. Class Portrait, Adamston, W. Va.

Top row from left to right: C. Osborn; W. Shinn; P. Kyle; D. Wells.  Bottom row from left to right: R. Jenkins; G. Osborn; C. Besterly; J. Coffman; R. Custer; F. Ruttencutt; G. Williams.

638. Clarksburg High School Football Squad

Clarksburg High School Football squad with school principle Orie McConkey (in suit with mustache).

639. Clarksburg High School Football Squad with Principal

640. J. E. Watson Residence, Fairmont, W. Va.

Palatine Pottery makers and others at Fairmont, W. Va. at home on East Side River gather at their home.

641. Palatine Pottery Makers and Family Members, Fairmont, W. Va.

'Charles E. McCany pays rent on five barns to me, subleases 4 on Fairmont side of River and one in First Ward.'

642. Chilson and Claytor Livery and Boarding Stable, Fairmont, W. Va.

Two African-American Newsboys and Unidentified man stand outside C. N Chilins, located on Madison Ave. Fairmont, W. Va...eventually (relocated) to the first floor of Watson Hotel.

643. C. N. Chilins News Stand, Fairmont, W. Va.

644. Gun Maker M. M Benson in front of his Residence in Fairmont, W. Va.

Unit of soldiers pose in the street wearing uniforms and holding weapons as civilians, including children sitting on the rooftop, watch.

645. Unit of Union Soldiers, Fairmont, W. Va.

646. Old Log House of Col. William Lowther in Harrison County, W. Va.

'Noble Colvin in doorway; Jim & Mrs. Colvin to left of Noble; Bob Colvin , son of Noble is at the controls of wagon used to haul clay from two miles away, from the Wymer Farm on Broad Run.  Also used in hauling the finished product to railway.  Charles Colvin, son of uncle Jim Colvin is astride the horse standing in the road.  [the pottery is] possibly dismantled in 1918; original photo from Charles Colvin; pottery brought from J. P. Parker around 1880 by S.A. Colvin & Seymore A. Colvin.'

647. Pottery Crew, Jane Lew, W. Va.

648. Town Corner, Osage, W. Va.