Search Results

Ray Green is the brother of James E. Green Sr.

37. Farm Scene, Grain Binder, Ray Green Pictured Shocking Wheat, Orchard View Farm, Pleasants County, W. Va.

38. Virginia Green Fitting Hogs in Front of Farm House, Orchard View Farm, Pleasants County, W. Va.

39. Group of People Sitting on Back Porch of Home on Orchard View Farm, Pleasants County, W. Va.

Woman on left is Grace Green (sister to Green brothers), man on porch furthest back is Thomas Benton Green (homeowner), woman next to him is Mary Rupert Green, boy holding American flag on far right is Ray Green, and young man in foreground leaning against post is John Green. The rest of the people are neighbors on hill above the town.

40. Fourth of July at Thomas Benton Green's Home on Hill in Foxburg, Pa.

41. Man and Dog Stand In Front of Oakfield Post Office, Oakfield, Pa.

42. Two Men Painting Railroad Water Tank, Foxburg, Pa.

George Green is the brother of James Green Sr.

43. George Green in World War I Marine Uniform and Mother in Car, Foxburg, Pa

Cottage is located in Western Pennsylvania or possibly in West Virginia.

44. Tarry Moore Cottage, Western Pa.

45. Jeanette Green Valentines Day Card, St. Mary's, W. Va.

46. Unidentified Girls at May Pole Dance, Foxburg, Pa.

47. James Green Sr. and His Brother Charley, Henry Camp, W. Va.

48. George Washington's Home on Side Among Other Buildings Along the Allegheny River, South of Foxburg, Pa.