Search Results

Group portrait of pharmacy students.  Lester Hayden, seventh from left, first row, and Mrs. Hayden.

2821. West Virginia University College of Pharmacy Guests at Parke-Davis Home Laboratories, Detroit, Michigan

Summer School Art Class, Summer Art Institute, West Virginia University. 1st Row, left to right: Lucy Manning, Victoria Rousseau, Kathy Kiester, Mary Arbruzzino, Carol Steele, Diana Shultz, Alice Burgess, Nancy Chaney. 2nd Row, left to right: Judy Barnes, Sonia Long, Lee Block, Caroline Richard, Linda Dlugos, Libby Whitely, Susan Henderson, Shari Barnhart. 3rd Row, left to right: Jim Wyant, Susan Barnhart, Sharon Snider, Bev Moore, Tressa Minnard, Suzann Hull, Janice Hertenstein, Mrs. Moss, Director. 4th Row, left to right: Chuck Wiebe, Bill Murray, Alan Burner, Jerry Tiller.

2822. Summer School Art Institute Participants, West Virginia University

2823. Group of New Residents and Interns in front of Health Sciences Center, West Virginia University Hospital

Six of eleven new residents.

2824. Residents in Medicine Standing in front of Health Sciences Building, West Virginia University

2825. Interns at Medical Center Standing in front of Pylons, West Virginia University

Possibly Medical Technicians.

2826. Class Standing in front of West Virginia University Hospital

Possibly Pharmacy Students.

2827. Graduating Students in Cap and Gown in front of Medical Center Pylons, West Virginia University

'Fish Catch in West Fork River Test -- A total of 88 fish were taken from West Fork River, at Jackson's Mill, in one test netting April 2 by the Conservation Commission. This picture of the haul includes 14 crappies, 5 large mouth bass, 13 bluegills and other sunfish. The other species are rough fish.'

2828. Fish Catch in West Fork River at Jackson's Mill, West Virginia

Group portrait of WVU Political Science students.  Prof. Joe Clark Theiss at the bottom right and Prof. Royal C. Gilkey at the bottom left.

2829. Political Science Students, West Virginia University

2830. Group Portrait of Student Traffic Engineer Group, West Virginia University

2831. New Interns at the Medical Center, West Virginia University

2832. Graduates in Cap and Gown, West Virginia